RR #8

An Omnipresent Subject An academic approach to persuasion can lead us astray from exactly what it is we are trying to do. I also learned that traditional presentations, essays, etc. aren’t necessarily the best ways to persuade. Think, we have conversations, media...

Pre-blog post thoughts

  This is some brainstorming/rambling I did before composing my posts. My philosophy more or less streamed from dialectic with myself, based on these thoughts.


What is Time? I believe we can all agree that telling time is simple. However, explaining the concept of time, like any other abstract idea, can prove to be quite challenging. True, all mammals (humans), insects, reptiles, and amphibians operate according to different...

RR #6

Controlling Perspectives: A Persuasive Skill Recently, my friend, my brother and I had a serious, lengthy discussion about religion and beliefs. It’s hard to describe precisely what he believes. Although, I can say Christianity and Kemetic spirituality make up the...