An Omnipresent Subject

An academic approach to persuasion can lead us astray from exactly what it is we are trying to do. I also learned that traditional presentations, essays, etc. aren’t necessarily the best ways to persuade. Think, we have conversations, media (music, movies, pictures), and more mediums through which to convince. Our minds were conditioned since we entered the school system. This class has taught me to think outside the box, to genuinely discover what persuasion is, and what it means to persuade.

We struggle with incorporating our education into our daily lives because we aren’t taught in a way that forces us to really “apply what we learned.” I can recall on one hand all the courses I’ve taken in my life that are practical and memorable. Rhetoric is everywhere. If you have seen one advertisement today, you have witnessed rhetoric. True, it is evident throughout many industries and fields of study as well.

I would advise looking at education in general with a proactive approach. Our learning is up to us ultimately, and our teachers are meant to guide. Sure rhetoric requires originative ideas. However, other academic subjects necessitate as much creativity. It’s arguable that rhetoric is a science or art; both of which require innovative thinking. Instead of seeking ways to take your education outside the classroom. I’d like to challenge you to incorporate your personal life and experiences into your education. Maybe your knowledge can change the world.
