There is no such thing as failure, there is just a million ways that don’t work, seems so simple yet can mean so much. Many times we bring ourselves down because the outcome that we envisioned didn’t come out as planned or even the outcome didn’t come out as successful to others perspectives and to “society’s” perspective.  What is failure? Failure can have a million different definitions depending on who you ask and depending on the situation you ask about. Why are we so scared and worried when others say that we failed at something? Why is it so difficult for us to move on from a failure situation? Most importantly why are we so afraid to fail? We are afraid of something that can easily not exist if we put our minds to believe that it’s not failure, and it’s just a way that didn’t work. If we can set our minds to think of something that didn’t turn out as plan and transform those thoughts to believe that it was something that didn’t work, we can easily find other ways. From the continuous persistence one way has to get us what we want. If we state that it was a failure or even state that we are failures, then it becomes more difficult to find that little ambition in us to continue till we find our success. In reality it is easier to fail than to succeed, the only reason is because there are more ways to fail than to succeed. The most important thing is to not let anyone else define your accomplishments and your failures, you define it yourself according to your beliefs and the outcome you want to see. Think of it like this, when we are born we aren’t born walking, walking is something that is learned and has to be practice. If your parents show you videos of yourself learning how to walk, you can see yourself fall at least ten times. Even our instinct as babies shows us that we don’t quit and we defiantly don’t consider ourselves as failures, we automatically get up and try a different way to get us what we want, and that is to walk. Another prime example of this is going to college right after high school or even going to college in general. Society, especially American society, has deemed acceptable and a successful act for people to go to college, mainly because it gives you more of a guarantee to a “good paying job.” First and foremost, what is good paying? What I consider good paying is completely different than what my mom thinks is good paying, and it’s defiantly different than what my classmate thinks is a good paying job. Not to mention, what sometimes is not understood is that college is not for everyone, everyone that goes to college is not successful and not everyone who doesn’t go to college is unsuccessful. How is that so? Its plausible, because there are many successful people such as Steve Jobs that dropped out of college. College was a way that Steve Jobs found out didn’t work out for him. It wasn’t a failure, it was just a way and a route that didn’t work for him so he decided to move on and find something else that he considered successful. Another thing to keep in mind is what he considered successful may have been monetary success, which he had according to his net worth before passing away. It may have been his happiness and how content he was doing what he was doing. He could have felt that what he learning in college was not making him happy and was not going to make him successful in his eyes, so he decided to find another route to find his own success.That does not mean that college is not a positive thing that isn’t worth the try, since you can gain so knowledge from it, but that also does not mean that it’s the only route available that is going to guarantee success to all. There are a thousand routes to take and it’s up to you to decide which one is a success for you and no one else. Another prime example to show that failure doesn’t exist only different ways that don’t work is Benjamin Franklin. This is a very ancient example, but for so long he had been working with electricity and trying to create something that was unseen in his time. Franklin did not get it on the first try, it is very difficult and tedious to get something good and lasting on the first try. If it wasn’t for all the times he had tried and wasn’t getting what he wanted, the lighting rod wouldn’t have been invented by him. He could of failed and gave up after the first time it didn’t work, but he decided to figure out other ways that wasn’t guaranteed to work, but after many attempts it turned out a success to him.  Life everyday gives you an opportunity to try something, and the best part is that we have the discretion to do what it is that we want to do and whether it defines our success. Life is also about perspective and how we see things. If you can live life positively, then why not make life a little better and little more simple and try to make everything positive. The word failure gives a sensation that is almost unexplainable and it can even give us the chills. The reason being is because failure is negative and it’s a strong word, similarly like the word hate. They are strong words that have little meaning, but can mean so much. Now if we were to replace the word failure to one way of not working, then that isn’t too harsh and it gives us room to push for another try at whatever it is that we want to improve. Now you may wonder what do you mean by strong word? How can a word be strong? A word can be strong by after hearing the word and it gives us a feeling inside of either happiness, disgust, or even depression. It can easily cause us to feel an emotion that some words don’t have the power to do.Every day I make sure to not think about my failures because they aren’t failures they are just ways that don’t work. Oddly enough there is a tomorrow that allows me to try another method that has a 50% of working and a 50% of not working, I just have to take the risk. A personal example would be failing an exam. I have to be realistic and realize that I did fail, but I also have to keep in mind that there is another exam and that only means another opportunity to try something different so I can pass it. Sitting down and thinking about my grade while I beat myself up calling myself a failure is not going to help me on my next exam. Failure is nonexistent, there is no such thing as failure. I can see something as a failure but someone beside me can believe it’s a success. Define your own success, and if the outcome doesn’t turn out the way you want it to then try a different technique till you get to your own desired destination
