Berlin’s “The Major Pedagogical Theories”

From Crosstalk in Comp (reprinted from College English 1982) 255: “While all are worth considering,some promote a common assumption that I am convinced is erroneous.Since all pedagogical approaches, it is argued,Share a concern for the elements of the composing...

The Making of Meaning, 1: four aspects of composing process

20: “1. Invention” 21: “Writers who learn how to let the what help them discover the how are learning the use of limits.” ***Here Berthoff writes of “constraints” that work when writers consider audience (“What does the reader...

The Making of Meaning 1: Theory and Practice

18: ” …to teach composition is to teach the process of making meaning.” **Which is NOT the “writing process”…!!! Why does this get so screwed up? As though “process” means only one thing… Must look at...