One of my takeaways from the graffiti video was the historical elements of it. The section of the documentary where the old war graffiti was shown stood out to me the most. These were the hopes of dreams of real people who had real lives like you and I. They faced real hardships and the only record (of that moment) was the graffiti. “This is for Lindengrab” also stood out to me because that was someone’s friend and they had a family back home who never saw him again alive yet not only can I empathize with that particular piece, it hits me deep in my soul because it is entirely human.

The humanity and humility of the graffiti is something else that’s expressed very well throughout this video. When we’re shown the underground graffiti, it stands out. We’re even told that “the graffiti up top was removed once the city became clean” was crazy. Not only could you see how the people of that time “felt” but it somehow humanizes them. When you’re reading a book or watching a video, theres a detached element. You can empathize with words and you can empathize with a video but a piece of graffiti marks where someone once [i]existed[/i] that a book or a video just can’t capture.
