Etymology Project Examples


  • The author uses multi modal  to help contribute to the topic.  He/she inserted a video and pictures to help connect information and give a visual of what is discussed. The author also included links to direct the reader to more topics. for the website creation the author used Word press to conduct and design the website.
  • What I think about the etymology on this page is that it is clear and thorough. It provides more than enough information on each term, picture, or phrase.
  • I think the website was created in a organized way. I would suggest making the theme a bit more attractive and subtle to the eye.
  • The terms inform the site as a whole by linking common topics together. All of the topics discussed on the etymologies page tied all the context on the site together.

Southern by the Grace of… Birth

  • The author uses pictures and videos to contribute to the text given on the pages. They connect together to provide thorough and efficient information to the reader. The links direct those who are viewing the website to certain areas of the site which will help the reader find information on what they are interested in reviewing. The sources show contribution to who contributed information for the site.
  • The etymologies page is very clear and fluent. There wasn’t a section of the page that wasn’t clear. The author used pictures and videos to discuss the topics which gives a visual.
  • The author doesn’t have to change anything on the page. Its thorough and easy to navigate. Every topic is separated to where you can identify the information provided.
  • The terms inform the site as a whole by giving a idea of what the website is discussing. Most of the terms tied together to contribute to providing  more information.

