Midterm Exam Question Readdress–#3 / Reading Response

Why is emotional intelligence necessary for the rhetor (according to Pullman)?  In my answer, the instructor comments requested explication of the opening statement.  I will address that in this post as it was one of my most favorite comments in the overall text....

Berlin’s Rhetorics, Poetics, Culture: Part II

43-44: “…although most would argue that this shift [from Fordist to post-Fordist modes of production] represents an extension of the forces of modernism—an inevitable development of the trajectory of twentieth-century capitalism rather than a new stage of...

Berlin: Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures

Berlin, James A. Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures : Refiguring College English Studies. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1996.   Introduction The influence of structuralist and poststructuralist theories in the humanities, social sciences,...


Aquí reportando desde la Casa Blanca donde más de 5,000 inmigrantes hispanos se han reunido por una causa que les ha afectado las vidas de más de 800,000 hispanos. Si todavía no se han dado cuenta, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos ha desaprobado el programa DACA,...

Is Inequality Still an Issue?

Are you ready to hear the reality of being a woman and working in the 21st century? I hope so, because this issue is real! It has been statistically proven that if you are a woman working in the professional workforce you are making about 20 percent less than your...